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North Carolina Hunting Leases

North Carolina offers a wide variety of hunting opportunities. From the Mountains to the Coast, from River Flood land to Farm and Forest land. 

North Carolina's deer herd is topping over 1.25 million and growing. North Carolina's Big Game license authorizes the hunter to harvest up to 6 total deer per season and offers 2 - 4 buck tags per season depending on your Lease Region. Whether you are an avid bow hunter or a rifle enthusiast, North Carolina offers archery, muzzleloader and rifle seasons. Seasons come in State wide in September and last until Mid-December or January depending on your lease region, giving you plenty of opportunities to have a successful season.

North Carolina hunting leases also give you access to a Spring Turkey season in all 100 counties, which extends your time in the woods as an outdoorsman. With the population exceeding over 150,000 excited hens and strutting gobblers, you will have a good opportunity for taking that beard dragger. So come see what North Carolina has to offer. North Carolina simplifies purchasing hunting license with over the counter sales for both resident and non-resident hunters (NO DRAWS). North Carolina's latest hunting regulation/license information is available at www.ncwildlife.org

Contact Base Camp and we will help you find the right North Carolina hunting lease!


North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission

North Carolina DENR

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